
Welcome to Andreu World Architecture Days 2023

Explore the program

Andreu World Architecture Days is a congress that will bring together some of the best national and international architecture studios on 15 September at Caixafòrum Valencia. Morocco will be the guest country in this first edition, with the purpose that the shared experience of understanding the architecture of two different cultures will serve as a means of inspiration and learning to strengthen personal, professional and cultural ties between those attending the event.


It will be structured around 6 thematic blocks, which make reference to spaces for Offices, Health, Culture, Hospitality, Sport as well as new City Models.


Download the program.




9:00 h – Reception and Registration of Attendees.


9:30 h – Institutional Interventions.


10:00-11:00 h


Workspaces: Flexibility, Health, and Well-being:  Domesticating the Office


Speakers: Octavio Mestre, Rachid Andaloussi


Round Table: Octavio Mestre, Francesc Rife, Carmen Baselga, Rachid Andaloussi


Moderator: Anatxu Zabalbeascoa


The resizing of corporate spaces as a consequence of the pandemic, as well as the generalization of teleworking, has effects in the work and home spheres: In the workplace, the need to reconvert the old office spaces into alternative uses, with the necessary flexibility for optimal use of the facilities. And in the domestic sphere, with the generalization of the home office and teleworking, in a redefinition of the uses of space in the home, and the need for multipurpose and hybrid spaces in facilities where the new digital worker can carry out a productive activity remotely.


11:00-12:00 h  


Health Spaces: Architecture in the Service of Health in the 21st Century


Speakers: Juan Miguel Otxotorena, Fikri Benabdallah 


Round Table: Juan Miguel Otxotorena, Fikri Benabdallah, Sol Candela


Moderator: Anatxu Zabalbeascoa


The direct consequences of the pandemic, the new technological developments, the demographic evolution, and the needs of advanced societies, draw us a new approach to architecture applied to the health service. It is necessary to define and design resilient spaces, with the capacity to resolve the tension in the demand for medical services in anticipation of possible future health crises, and a greater humanization of spaces while incorporating the telehealth model, or digital health among citizens.


12:30-13:30 h


Creativity, Education, and Community: New Meeting Spaces for Culture.


Speakers: Patxi Mangado, Driss Kettani


Round Table: Patxi Mangado, Driss Kettani, Marta Vall.Llossera, Cristina Mateo, Rachid Andaloussi


Moderator: Anatxu Zabalbeascoa


The new capacities and skills that the professions of the digital future will require, as well as the greater diversity of the societies of the 21st century, will have as a direct consequence for architecture the conception of safe, inclusive educational spaces, and the integration of digital spaces to encourage debate, creativity and innovation. With regards to cultural and museum spaces, these will incorporate new functionalities that will go far beyond the merely exhibition.


13:30-14:30 h


Hospitality: Temporary Rest and Digital Disconnection.


Speakers: Patrick Genard, Aziz Lazrak


Round Table: Patrick Genard,Aziz Lazrak, Patricia Von Arend, Laura Huerta


Moderator: Anatxu Zabalbeascoa


In an era of constant digital stimulation, with greater environmental awareness, and in the face of a true technological revolution, new inclusive, technological and sustainable hotel developments arise, in which the guest expects to feel new experiences, sensations and emotions. A new type of establishment emerges for rest and digital disconnection, for reconnection with the natural environment and the senses with oneself, while Artificial Intelligence is used to add a new creative dimension in the definition of spaces.


15:30-16:30 h


The New Generation of Sports Spaces: Versatility, Sports, Leisure, and Socializing


Speakers: Amparo Roig, Driss Kettani


Round Table: Amparo Roig, Driss Kettani, Fikri Benabdallah, César Azcárate


Moderator: Anatxu Zabalbeascoa


The new sports spaces are the reflection of an urban society that expects to see many of its expectations fulfilled, with multi-purpose facilities for competitions in different sports disciplines, concerts, competitions and massive events, with restaurant options, corporate & premium spaces, shopping and entertainment areas. And all this while promoting the values of sport from the perspective of community responsibility and citizen identity. These new spaces are conceived in urban environments with the aim of becoming icons, and destinations "per se" during the visit to the city.


16:30-17:30 h


Living in the City: Civic Responsibility and Sustainability


Speakers: Salima Naji, Ramón Esteve


Round Table: Salima Naji, Hicham Lahlou, Inés Novella, Xavi Calvo, Ramón Esteve


Moderator: Anatxu Zabalbeascoa


70% of the world population in 2050 will be urban. It will therefore be the urban environment that will have to face climate change, the aging of the population, and greater urbanization. How can architecture with a gender perspective conceive cities based on security, inclusion, care, assistance and solidarity? What tools are available in the sciences of design, urban planning, architecture, and sociological research itself, to make our cities respond to the needs of the future? Is the new European Bauhaus a response to these challenges?.


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