
Manual for making a chair

Stories to read while seated

Select, among various types of wood, the one you like the most for the shape and color:

Birch - Maple - Boxwood - Mahogany - Chestnut - Cedar - Cherry - Poplar - Ebony - Oak - Beech – Walnut - Olive - Elm - Pine - Oak - Teak - etc.

Remember that the essentials of a chair are:

Seat - Stile - Front legs - Rear legs – Rail/Apron - Backrest - Stretcher.

Although you can add the decorative fantasies you like the most:

Backrest base - Arms - Shell - Curtain - Foliage - Acanthus leaf - Palm tree - Motif - Bouquet - Scrolls - etc.

Hágase con las herramientas que considere que necesitará:

Azuela – Berbiquí – Cepillo – Cincel – Cola – Cuchilla – Destornillador – Escoplo – Formón – Gubia – Lija – Martillo – Sierra de mano – Torno de ballesta – Tornillos – etc.


Look for a model from the past or present that you like, or be original and invent it, and get to work. If you can find a new version of the seat furniture, you will go down in history, but do not forget that the chair is not a sculpture, but a form that must fulfill a function.